Welcome to this week's Author of the Week, I spoke to C.B Gabriel about her debut novel and what plans she has next. Read on to find out more!
Tell me a little about yourself, where do you live, family, hobbies!
I live in Kingston, Ontario, and when I'm not writing, I spend most of my time working as a canine massage practitioner. My 'woof' babies, Molly, a beagle-dachshund mix, and Talullah, a hound, both love their weekly massages! I'm also a yoga teacher and a visual artist. I love to lie down on the couch in front of the television with my sketchbook and marker, and then I just let the art flow. Of course, I spend a lot of time with my wonderful boyfriend, and much to his chagrin, he listens to me sing (badly!)
I'm sending him some earplugs! What got you into writing?
I never thought I would become a writer. I originally planned on law school, so I finished my B.A. Hons. in Classical Studies at Queen's University in 2009. However, in 2013, I survived a very serious illness, and I found that as soon as I put the pen to the paper, I just couldn't stop. I found the writing process so therapeutic I eventually joined a formal writers' group, and then I was fortunate enough to create two novels. Trey & Kate is my debut published novel.
I'm sorry to hear about your illness, what’s the main thing you love and hate about writing?
I think the main thing that I both love and hate about writing is just how difficult it is. My publisher once told me that writing a book is like giving birth; it's a very rewarding experience, and no one could ever possibly love your own book as you do, but the process is also extremely painful. I sometimes question whether I could ever handle writing a full novel ever again (even though I will), because I cried my eyes out once I finished my final manuscript of Trey & Kate.
Who is the worst villain you’ve ever written, and why?
Me, I'm my own worst enemy, so how could I ever possibly write a better villain than myself in my own books?
Wow, I didn't see that answer coming lol, what is next on your list to write/publish?
I plan to write another romance novel. However, it won't be a contemporary story, it will be historical fiction. The story will take place in WW1, and it will most likely involve a soldier writing love letters to his wife. However, I'm still drafting notes for the story, so the plot might change by the time I try to publish it.
That sounds interesting, who is your favourite author, and why?
John Steinbeck, because I cry every time I read East of Eden. That book is one of the greatest books of the twentieth century; it is full of so much meaningful allegory, and I just love how he combines descriptive imagery with symbolism in almost every chapter of that novel. Of course, the movie with James Dean is wonderful too.
Who encouraged you the most to write?
My uncle encouraged me the most to write in the beginning because he thought that I had a lot of raw talent. However, my boyfriend began to encourage me more and more once I started writing romance novels, as he is a great inspiration for many of those stories.
And now everyone is jealous! Are you as avid a reader as a writer?
Well, that depends on my mood. Sometimes I do nothing but read. Other times I do nothing but write. But I think I read just as much, if not more, than I write. However, I still love my junk T.V.!
What’s your favourite genre?
I'm partial to romance. However, I love historical fiction as well.
Do you listen to music when you write?
I would love to be able to listen to music when I write, but unfortunately I have to have absolute silence in order to concentrate. Plus, I usually put ear plugs in, and I use a tape recorder as well so I can read my work out loud and then play it back to myself so I can edit my own work.
Music is pointless with those earplugs! If you could interview any famous author who would it be and why?
J.R.R. Tolkien!I've always wondered how he composed his masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, and I've always wanted to be able to invent my own language as well. Perhaps he would have been able to give me some writing tips as well.
Tell me a secret that none of your fans know!
Jersey Shore one of my secret guilty pleasures...don't tell on me!
Tell me what your main character would say about you!
I think she would say that I'm a little insane, but I'm also tenacious, and creative. I certainly don't give up easily.
Those qualities make a good author, finally, any words of advice?
It may be a cliché, but it's a cliché for a reason; write from your heart. Your words have to mean something, truly, for them to have any artistic value. If you feel like you need to open up, or just let it out, put that pen down to the paper. That...and the first draft is always crap.
Thank you, C.B, for talking with me today, it was such a pleasure! To keep up to date with C.B, please follow her on the following links,
Author email: cbgabriel99@outlook.com
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