Author's Tips!
Even though I'm now an established author, I remember how it was to get started. I've had several questions on how to get started and how to Indie publish. So this is a little guide to help you out! It's not gospel, not set in stone but it's the steps I used to get going!
First, write the book! It doesn't matter how you write the book, just write it. Some people plan chapter by chapter, some wing it, some have an idea and let the writing flow from there. There is no right or wrong way, so just write!
Get a website. It doesn't matter if the book is published or not, by creating a website you will start to garner interest. If you can't afford a website designer, and who when starting out can? Find a free good website builder. Wix.com is brilliant and easy to use. The website puts your name and the book's name out there.
Join social media, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram for example. On Facebook, create a group fans can visit and comment on, keep them up to date with what's happening. Fans love to interact with their favourite author so get going!
Edit! This is a must. If you can't afford an editor, there are several programmes out there that can help which are free. Grammarly and ProWritingAid are the two I use. You can upgrade both of these to unlock extra features which I have found invaluable. I write the book chapter by chapter on separate word documents. Then I use Grammarly to run through the chapter. Once done I run it through the ProWritingAid reports. I then proofread it through and then run it back through Grammarly and ProWritingAid again. Then I send it to my proofreader. (A proofreader can be a friend or family member, they don't have to be professional!) Once all final corrections are done I put it into the "Book Document" which is my final copy of the book put together. I upload a Kindle version and a paperback version to Kindle Direct Publishing. Then I order the author's copy from Kindle Direct Publishing and read the paperback. Once I've scribbled all over it, I make the adjustments to the finished product and upload a final copy to Kindle Direct Publishing.
Format your book. If you're not sure how to, check on Kindle Direct Publishing, this has tons of tips to use. It's worth reading through them anyway, you may pick something up.
Create a book cover. You only need to create the front cover if you're using Kindle Direct Publishing. Find a free website that creates book covers, I use Abode Create a Book Cover. For images look around the internet for free image sites, always beware of copyright! I use to use Unsplash where the pictures put on there are free for everyone's use and there are disclaimers all over the site saying they are safe to use. When you start making money, you can then upgrade to pre-made book covers, these can be pretty cheap and then find your own book designer as time goes on.
Kindle is the best way to publish I found. Go to Kindle Direct Publishing, READ through the information before jumping feet first into publishing your book. There are so many hints and tips on there, it aids your publishing/formatting and writing. Do join the kindle select programme which offers your books free to those who use Kindle Unlimited. Kindle has a pot of money which is shared between all authors registered to Kindle Select and you get a rate per page read on Kindle Unlimited. You can decide how long your book is on Kindle Select Check with Kindle Select for further details. Most of my money is raised through Kindle Select. Do get Kindle Create and Kindle Publisher. Those tools are invaluable in editing and formatting your book.
Get marketing your book. Oh yes, an Indie publisher has to market their own books. Join Facebook groups to promote your book and get your name out there. I'm in well over fifty groups. Look around for other sites you can promote your book on for free if you're on a tight budget. There are sites like bookreadermagazine.com who carry out an interview with you and publish. Try awesomebookpromotion.com as well. Try Dove's quirky questions for an author at https://dovewinters.wordpress.com/
or email Dove at Dove_winters@yahoo.com. Get looking and searching. Marketing is hard but worth it!
Join Goodreads. I can't stress how important this step is. Once you have an aisn or a ibsn, you can start on Goodreads. Create an author's profile, and then enter the details of your book. Upload your cover, write the synopsis and away you go. Goodreads has so many members it's a great way to promote your book.
If I haven't answered something or you have further questions send me a message through my Contact Me Page.