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Elizabeth N Harris

K.D. Latronico.

Welcome to this weeks Author of the Week, K.D Latronico. K.D is an author with several books under her belt. Taking time from her busy schedule K.D was kind enough to take time out to answer these questions! Hey K.D, how are you? Let's start with a little about yourself. Let's name is Katie, I'm thirty-four years old, I currently live in Jacksonville, Florida, but I was born and raised for twenty-one years on Long Island, New York. I'm the oldest of four, very family-oriented, a cat lady with a foul mouth and a weird sense of humor. I've always been the type of person that can make friends with anyone, anywhere, but I'm pretty much an introverted extrovert. I need that recharge time after being social, you know? I'm just a weird contradiction, though. Someone that craves the spotlight but is terrified to embarrass herself. Is shy, but not at the same time. I'm not really into sports but I love professional wrestling, I've always loved Harry Potter and am a proud Hufflepuff. Never been married nor do I have kids, but hopefully that changes within the next few years. I don't drink, but I love to eat, I always carry chapstick in my bra, and I live in leggings. Was that good? I think I mostly rambled, haha... Not at all! The more the better K.D. So let's get our readers a list of your books! Rebel Aces MC Series Heart of a Rebel: Rebel Aces MC Part 1 Soul of a Rebel: Rebel Aces MC Part 2 The Rebel Fight: Rebel Aces MC Part 3 coming soon...Rebel Child: Rebel Aces MC Part 4 Thanks K.D. What got you into writing and do you hold another job as well? So, I've always loved writing, but I never thought I could actually write a book. I was good at creating characters, scenarios, short stories and fan fiction, but never stringing it all together. I had a million different plans with what I wanted to be "when I grew up", but writing was never one of them until about 2019. I got really into reading again, something that I had loved to do as a kid but had fallen out with after high school, and I fell in love with romance. Reading everything I could, I thought...hey, maybe I can do this? I had an idea for an MC series forming, with characters, plot lines, ideas, and then I got advice from an author to "data dump" - just dump everything I had in my head about the series into a Google Doc and go from there. It was like the gates had opened and my inspiration came flooding in, and I started writing the first book immediately and was done within a few months. I'm not doing this full time, though, I still work for my dad's plumbing and gas company as the office manager, which is where I've been for the last fifteen years. How wonderful, I'm so glad you did the data dump! It sounds like you've a busy life! What’s the main thing you love and hate about writing? I absolutely love creating characters, but I hate the in-between stuff. Like transition scenes, figuring out how to get from A to B without jumping from action scene to sex scene to action scene. I find that I get stuck on that waaaayyy too much, haha. LOol, oh dear, I've heard that from a lot of authors. Who encouraged you the most to write? My Mom had definitely been the most encouraging, but I'm extremely lucky to have a very incredible and large support system. Both of my parents, my three siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmothers, friends, even just acquaintances have been incredibly supportive of me and my journey as an author. But my Mom is my biggest fan. She's a huge romance reader, especially MC romance, so she's the reason I got into this, and she has been by my side for every single step of the way. I couldn't do this without her. Dear God, that's a massive support system, you're very lucky. What’s your favourite genre? Romance, specifically MC Romance, but I also really love small-town series'. The ones with quirky side characters, where the town itself has so much charm and character that you feel like you live there, too. Virgin River's a pretty good series! Do you listen to music when you write? I can't do background noise at all. I get so distracted. I mean, I get distracted by my own thoughts most of the time. Sometimes I can listen to thunder and rain, or classical/piano music, but most of the time it's silent, haha. Ah writing during a thunder storm, I find I write better during them, it's a shame they don't happen frequently. Tell me a secret that none of your fans know! Hmm, let's see...more lighthearted, I only learned how to cook about five or six years ago, and I'm terrified of the stove. Not so light-hearted, I actually suffer from depressive disorder and generalized anxiety, as well as mild mental OCD and a sensory issue. I'm medicated and it's a lifelong process to take care of it, but I'm managing. This is why mental health is always so important to me. Brave of you to mention mental health, kudo's K.D. What is next on your list to write/publish? I am currently writing the fourth book in my Rebel Aces MC series, Rebel Child, but I have a bunch of other books on my list. Two novellas and Book 5 of the same series, but I also have a completely different series in the middle of being plotted out. It'll be a huge turn from MC, so I'm excited to get into them and show everyone what else I can do! It sounds like you're flooded with ideas, don't stop writing! Who is your favourite author, and why? I'm a huge Claire Kingsley, Melanie Harlow, and Lucy Score fan. I also love Lilly Atlas, Meghan March, Gwyn McNamee, Sandy Alvarez and Crystal Daniels. Are you as avid a reader as a writer? I am, or at least I try to be, haha. I have so many books on my TBR, like most readers, but I at least always have one book I'm reading all the time. It just might take me a little longer now. Finally, any words of advice? I'm still learning, so I'm not sure I have too many words of wisdom, but I will say this: take pride in what you are writing, and be careful who you trust. You want to put out your best product, no matter what it is, so do the most. Have a ton of people look over it. Be critical, because I promise you, you will be so much prouder of your book once you're done. Also, not everyone in the book world knows what they're doing, what they're talking about, and is willing to work for your best interest. I learned it the hard way; if you make that mistake, though don't beat yourself up about it. Where there is bad, there is so much good to replace it. It may take some time to find your "team", but you will, and it will be so worth it. Thank you, for taking the time to sit and do an interview! To keep up to date with K.D please find her at, Author Website: Author Email: Author’s social media links: Disclaimer. The opinions and views expressed in this article are the interviewees and may differ from the interviewer/general public. The works and images published here may be subject to the Author's Copyright, please do not copy the images as your own.

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