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Elizabeth N Harris

Lux Miller

This weeks author of the week is Lux Miller, with several books already under her belt, I spent time finding out what makes this author tick, starting with a list of her books. Barresi (Out of print) Eyes of Stone re-releases June 26 In The Shadows re-releases July 24 Surrender re-releases August 21 Chain Reaction re-releases September 18 Reckoning releases October 16 Jokers Wild release November 13 Poker Face December 11 Fairly Twisted Tales: Glass Ceilings Glass Apples Glass Houses Broken Dreams Broken Promises (Coming Soon) Broken Wishes (Coming Soon) Celestial Awakenings: Equinox Aether Utopia Imzadi Obdisian So Lux, let's find out about you shall we? Tell me a little about yourself!  I live just outside New Orleans, Louisiana which is why it felt natural to base my Barresi series there.  As you'll see, NOLA pops up in most of my series at one point or another.  I'm a single mom to three amazing boys who keep me on my toes and encourage me to keep writing daily, even if I won't let them read what I write. Boys keep you fit and active!  What got you into writing? I've written as long as I can remember.  From the time I could hold a pencil, I've been creating stories. What’s the main thing you love and hate about writing? I love creating worlds for my characters to live in, but I hate that my worlds are sometimes limited by the scope of the English language.  Sometimes, there just isn't a word to describe what's bouncing around in my head. Nothing more frustrating than needing a word and one doesn't exist for what you're trying to describe. Who is the worst villain you’ve ever written, and why?  Big Papi, because he is utterly disgusting and irredeemable. Yes, for those of you who have read Barresi, that means I WILL redeem Parker... if it's the last thing I do! Every villain is redeemable, except Big Papi. I want to know more now lol. What is next on your list to write/publish? I am currently revamping my Barresi series with new covers, new edits, and all new content.  I have two fairly twisted tales sitting on the back burner awaiting edits (Maisy's getting her book, y'all!  Don't worry!) and the fourth book in Celestial Awakenings is also written, waiting on edits.   You have a packed schedule. Who is your favourite author, and why?  Can I say me?  No?  Then probably Tolkien.  He created such a rich world in his lifetime that it's instantly recognizable by its creatures and lore.  Everyone knows what a Hobbit is! That is very true, everyone now does know what a hobbit is! Who encouraged you the most to write? My kids, even though they can't read my books due to the content.  They've even taken up the mantle of authors themselves, writing their own comic books and short stories.  Makes a momma proud. Oh wow, how fantastic, it does make you proud indeed. Are you as avid a reader as a writer? Yes, but not as much as I'd like to be.  There are only so many hours in the day!  But, I like to read sports romances when I find the time. Do you listen to music when you write? If so, what type? I ALWAYS listen to music when I write.  Sometimes, it's Disney soundtracks (Shoutout Lion King 2!).  Other times, it's foreign language albums so that the words don't distract me (Te Vaka is a favorite).  Usually, though, I listen to my cultivated playlist for the series I'm working on.  Because I'm THAT author.   Thank God I'm not alone, during my many interviews I was beginning to believe I was the only one who did that lol. Tell me a secret that none of your fans know!  I most definitely have a favorite Barresi!  And this character was originally supposed to die in the first book, they decided that wasn't going to work for them, stole the reins and changed the ENTIRE series!  They hang out in my head a LOT and make creative decisions that I don't always agree with. Also, I originally wrote this series in third person POV, so when I changed it into first person from the female's POV, it created some obstacles on how to incorporate some of the more closed-door behaviors of the mafia family antics.  So that was interesting. Tell me what your main character would say about you! That I can be just as bossy as he is, and we argue often.  That's why it takes me so long to write some of his scenes.  He'd say I'm extremely stubborn. I wonder who he takes after? Finally, any words of advice?  Create a world you can live with, because you're going to be living in it for a long time. Thanks, Lux, for making time in your busy schedule to interview for us! If you want to find out more about Lux, please look or her at the following links:- Author Website: Author Email: Facebook: , ,  Twitter:

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