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Elizabeth N Harris

N Gray

Today I interviewed Author N Gray, Ms Gray has been writing a while and has several books under her belt. This busy mum not only runs her household and works but also manages to find time to write! Shall we see how!

So Ms Gray, tell me about the books you've written so far.

Hi Elizabeth! We get to chat at last! So far I've published three Short stories: The Hunter, Creature Features, What’s for Dinner? I have written a Paranormal Romance Series: Ulysses Exposed, Voodoo Priest, Butterflies & Hurricanes, Salvation. I'm very excited about my new Thriller series:

Nightcrawler (this is the prequel novella and can only be found as part of the Notorious Minds Boxset- a collection of thriller/mystery novels from a variety of award-winning and bestselling authors), Deadly Pattern, Devil Mountain and Chasing the Devil.

Busy, busy! Tell me a little about yourself.

I’m forty years old and live in Cape Town, South Africa. I have a ten-year-old girl, hubby, and two fur babies. I write, read, enjoy walks on the beach, and wine tastings. I still have a day-job as an analyst for an insurance company, but I always find time to write at night, or over weekends.

It sounds like you have a busy schedule! What got you into writing?

I wrote my first story when I was about nine or ten and used my mother’s old typewriter. I made so many mistakes but that kickstarted my creativity. I’ve always written stories since then, but then life happens, and you need to earn a living. When it became easier for people to write and publish their own stories/books, that’s when I decided that I should take it seriously and do it. In 2017, I published a collection of my short stories, and the rest is history.

A brave step to take, what’s the main thing you love and hate about writing?

I love the final product. That’s when I sit back and enjoy it for that moment and I’m proud. I’ve produced another “baby” and will be publishing it soon. The downside of writing is imposter syndrome. (This is a syndrome where you doubt your accomplishments and fear being exposed as a fraud!) I think most authors can relate and it can be paralysing and consuming. But I have my moment and then move past it. I have books to write!

Who is the worst villain you’ve ever written, and why?

I don’t want to spoil anything, but the villain in Salvation (the fourth book in the Blaire Thorne series). It releases at the end of May 2020. He drips with evil and sociopathic tendencies-he was the cause of everything in Blaire’s life.

He sounds just simply ghastly! What's next on your list to write/publish?

My thriller series. The prequel and first book in the series is written, I have two more to write, and then when it’s polished, I will send them to my editor. My aim is to release them from June, and the prequel is available from October as part of the Notorious Minds Boxset.

I love the name of the series, who is your favourite author, and why?

I have so many, and because I enjoy different genre’s, I have at least three: Stephen King (horror), James Patterson & John Grisham (mystery), 

Laurell K. Hamilton (paranormal)

Who encouraged you the most to write?

My mom from when I was young. When she passed away ten years ago, I knew I had to do the things I wanted to before I ran out of time. That’s also why I dedicate most of my books to her. She loved to read and was always pushing me to write.

It's sad she never got to see you publish, but what a memorial for her, I'm sure she's very proud of you! Are you as avid a reader as a writer?

Oh yes, I read at least two to three books a week

What’s your favourite genre?

I read in those three genres

Do you listen to music when you write? 

I need music, my mind screams while I write, and I need the soothing noise of music in the background. I have a writing playlist that includes, Imagine Dragons, X Ambassadors, Muse, Starsailor, The Neighbourhood, American Authors, Awolnation, Nothing but thieves, and Twenty one pilots.

That's a wide range, I know what you mean by your mind screams. If you could interview any famous author who would it be and why?

Stephen King, I want to rub shoulders with him to see if any of that awesomeness rubs off on me.

Tell me a secret that none of your fans know! Do you like to cook or perhaps only wear a certain colour sock!

I love to bake, but whatever I bake flops. But my daughter loves my ‘flop cheesecake’ and ‘flop chocolate cake’ (that’s what she calls them). And she is my biggest fan even though she can’t read any of my books yet. She draws really well, and we will be working on something together in the future.

Lol, dinner's on me. Tell me what your main character would say about you!

That I might write serious chapters and sound angry, but I actually have a wicked sense of humour and I’m chilled. And the anger channelled is so that the main character has a flaw-nobody is perfect.

That is such a true saying! Authors need to remember that when being self-critical! Finally, any words of advice?

If anyone wants to get into writing, just do it. If you are determined, you will find the time and energy. Everyone has a story to tell.

Thank you, for talking with me today, an enjoyable interview! To keep up to date with Ms Gray please follow her on the following links, 

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